Who is JMIC
JMIC’s History
JMIC was established in 1978 to provide a communications link amongst international associations engaged in the Meetings Industry and a means of collectively reviewing industry conditions and strategies and has met for this purpose twice annually since then.
JMIC subsequently committed to developing a more aggressive industry advocacy program to support its members in their efforts to raise overall industry awareness and appreciation while at the same time creating a platform for enhanced industry interactions and communications.
JMIC is the body that represents the global business events industry. It explains, promotes and demonstrates the value and role that the global business and professional events industry actively contributes to the critical economic and societal benefit of communities around the world and promotes unity and consistency on industry issues to both internal and external audiences.
To facilitate industry interactions and encourage a greater degree of program, research and knowledge exchange by increasing awareness of what members are doing and improving reciprocal access to resources.
To raise industry profile and increase awareness of the benefits generated by the industry in both creating direct economic benefits and facilitating broader business, academic, government and community objectives.
To provide a unified “voice” for the industry by developing consensus on key issues, articulating key messages and advancing these on behalf of the membership with external audience when appropriate.
To formally recognize the achievements of key industry members who have successfully advanced the positioning and professionalism of the industry on an international basis.
To advance the value measurement processes required to validate industry value claims by encouraging credible and consistent measures in both financial (i.e., economic impact) terms and those relating to business, professional, academic and social advancement outcomes.
To convene industry meetings in key areas of common interest and to create forums in which we can demonstrate unanimity of purpose and achieve the level of profile required to attract broader global attention.
JMIC has continued to pursue a range of program activities related to the above objectives, many of which are to be found throughout this web site. Most recently it has engaged in an intense program of response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, both to connect industry members with relevant resources and support community advocacy to encourage the positioning of business events (meetings, conventions, conferences and exhibitions) as key elements in the overall economic rebuilding and renewal process following the global impacts of the pandemic.
A Year of COVID-19 Response | June 2021