JMIC Global Events
Over the past ten years, in addition to its regularly scheduled Council Meetings JMIC has periodically hosted global events in order to gather industry leaders for the discussion and preparation of guidance in areas of particular industry importance.
The largest of these events are listed below, along with some of the outputs arising from them. These events also led to the creation of new resources and strategies that are included in other parts of this site.
JMIC Global Summit
Hannover, May 10-11, 2018
The Global Industry Summit will enable industry leaders to participate actively in the shaping of JMIC’s future form, mission and priorities. This very exclusive event, which will take place in Hannover, Germany May 10 and 11, will be the first truly global industry summit in almost 20 years and the results will have important implications for all industry associations and members as we move into our collective future.
Optimizing the Industry Interface: a View from the Other Side Presentation by Prof Greg Clark CBE | The Business of Cities
JMIC Conference on the Value of Meetings
Paris, May 2015
The Conference
While the paramount values arising from business events such as meetings, conventions and exhibitions are those associated with the business, economic, academic and professional outcomes they produce, there is still no generally accepted process for evaluating or even documenting these in a way that can be used to demonstrate their value. JMIC is convening a conference to directly address this issue by establishing the current status of valuing event outcomes, comparing techniques and approaches and proposing new initiatives to help align future activities as a way of moving toward a consistent industry practice.
Conference Objectives
To raise awareness of the importance of meetings, conventions and exhibitions to the broader global economy and society;
To determine the current state of outcome valuation and documentation by the various organizations that have addressed this issue to date;
To explore mechanisms that would facilitate better communications amongst such organizations and with the broader industry in the future;
To identify the potential for a consistent industry “Best Practice” to calculate a defensible value proposition for the industry, and
To review how data arising from these models could be used most effectively for industry advocacy.
Conference details
The conference took place May 14-15 2015 at the Palais des Congrès de Paris.
Media Release JMIC Conference Advances a Broader Industry Value Proposition
JMIC Conference on Industry Communications
Barcelona, November 17, 2013
This conference brought industry representatives together with those representing the various elements of the communications / advocacy process as they apply to our industry in order to review current initiatives; exchange and compare individual strategies and messaging and explore opportunities to better align and / or collectively promote key industry messaging. Agenda Media release
JMIC Conference on Evaluating Meetings
London, May 20-21, 2011
A cross section of industry leaders representing major international associations met with a group of professional and academic advisors at a conference organized by the Joint Meetings Industry Council at the Royal College of Physicians in London to review the state of industry value measurement and recommend steps required to advance the quality and content of the industry value statement it presents to government and the community.
This Conference, and the recommendations it generated, provide the basis for the materials contained in this section of the JMIC web site and are available for free download as per the listing below.
Media Release
Article: JMIC Conference Addresses Industry Value Proposition