United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
New JMIC Report Documents Practical Industry Responses to UNSDGs
Based on 43 submissions from 16 countries world-wide, the Report includes initiatives from Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and Africa, demonstrating the wide range of approaches being taken in a global commitment to addressing UNSDG Goals in the Meetings Industry.
An Important Opportunity for JMIC Members
Based on a system for documentation developed by JMIC member UFI, JMIC members now have an important opportunity to demonstrate our collective leadership in addressing the United Nations Sustainable development goals established to document and illustrate how industry initiatives can be undertaken in ways that support long term stability and responsible growth on a world-wide basis.
The Meetings Industry has a great story to tell in this regard and telling it effectively is a good way to support our advocacy initiatives by demonstrating something we all take for granted—that our work supports economic, professional, social and academic advancement to the benefit of all—but is not well understood by those outside the industry.
The attached templates make it easy for you to document your achievements– and provide us with the ability to illustrate the principles on which this industry operates. At the same time it offers you the opportunity to distinguish your organization amongst your colleagues in ways that really matter.
Read on. And then take the initiative to select those programs, events or operating principles that best demonstrate your commitment to a sustainable future. All initiatives will be acknowledged and endorsed by the Joint Meetings Industry Council—and form part of a report that will be shared with both global authorities and local communities to show our leadership as an industry.
What are the UN SDGs and why are they important?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call to action by all countries to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The 17 goals address the global challenges that we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, economic prosperity, and justice. The aim is to achieve all 17 goals and their accompanied targets by 2030, and businesses play a crucial role in ensuring this success.
Where can I learn more about the SDGs?
Visit the official UNSDG website for more information here.
How does the Meetings Industry contribute to the SDGs?
Our industry engages with millions every year through their participation in the business events they attend and use to support their own activities and objectives. At the same time, it spans a wide cross section of all sectors of business, government, academia and community. With such a wide audience and reach, our industry more than most can have a meaningful influence on how knowledge and business practices evolve.
How can you contribute? Why Should You? You can demonstrate how your events and initiatives contribute to the SDGs by documenting your best programs and practices using the templates provided for submissions. This kind of participation supports our overall industry proposition—but it offers important benefits to you and your members as well by giving you:
- The opportunity to learn more about the SDGs and how they can fit into your own strategic planning;
- Global recognition for your vision and contributions to the objectives of the SDGs
- JMIC will edit and systemize entries to ensure that they are consistent with others on the database.
What will JMIC do with the results? JMIC will have contributions analyzed and validated by a recognized sustainability advisor and publicize the resulting report widely as part of our industry advocacy activities. The results will also be a resource for those wishing to access good examples of industry responsibility to their own audiences. New submissions, once approved, will be added to this library and incorporated into the final report.
The UN SDGs Online Reporting Tool
The submission process has been streamlined and facilitated by the preparation of three templates that together capture the range of SDG-related benefits of three different elements of industry activity:
Type I | Event Theme and Content: How the theme of the event contributes to the SDGs
Type II | Event Execution and Operation: How the approach taken to the operation of the event contributes to the SDGs
Type III | Company’s Operations: How an organizer/supplier’s own operations contribute to the SDGs
- Download the form
- Open the form within an application that can re-save the filled document ie. Acrobat Pro
- Email as an attachment to criterion@axion.net
Current Submissions
Submissions that have already been reviewed and endorsed are listed below, with links to the detailed submission. These provide a library of excellent examples of the kinds of program activities that qualify as UNSDG initiatves.
No | Activity Type | Activity Title | Location | SDGs | Organization | Headquarters |
1 | III Company’s Operations | Sustainability reporting for SDGs | Global | 3,4,9,13,16 | Reed Exhibitions | UK |
2 | I Exhibition Theme | Plastic waste display | France | 12,14 | Reed Expositions France | France |
3 | I Exhibition Theme | AfricaCom | South Africa | 1,8,9 | Informa | UK |
4 | I Exhibition Theme | Futurecom | Brazil | 1,4,8,10 | Informa | UK |
5 | II Exhibition Operation | International Book Fair of Guadalajara | Mexico | 12,13 | Impact0 | Mexico |
6 | III Company’s Operations | Feeding Your Performance | Australia | 3,8,11,12,17 | ICC Sydney | Australia |
7 | III Company’s Operations | Legacy program | Australia | 8,9,10,11,12,17 | ICC Sydney | Australia |
8 | III Company’s Operations | Celebrating First Nations Cultures | Australia | 8,10,17 | ICC Sydney | Australia |
9 | III Company’s Operations | Heartwarming Amsterdam | The Netherlands | 2,12 | RAI Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
10 | I Exhibition Theme | Neonyt | Germany | 8,9,12,13,14, 15,16,17 | Messe Frankfurt | Germany |
11 | III Company’s Operations | Sustainability reporting | Global | 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13, 16,17 | Messe | Frankfurt Germany |
12 | III Company’s Operations | Melbourne Renewable Energy Project | Australia | 7,8,9,11,12, 13,17 | Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre | Australia |
13 | III– Company’s Operations | Responsible Seafood at Marina Bay Sands | Singapore/Malaysia | 2,8,9,12,14,17 | Marina Bay Sands | Singapore |
14 | III–Company’s Operations | District Energy System | Canada | 7,9,11,17 | Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place | Canada |
15 | III Company’s Operations | Think Green | Global | 8,11,12,13 | GL Events | France |
16 | III Company’s Operations | Think Local | Global | 8,11,12,13 | GL Events | France |
17 | III Company’s Operations | Think People | Global | 8,10,11,12 | GL Events | France |
18 | III Company’s | Operations The Oregon Convention Center’s Waste Diversion Policy | USA | 2,9,11,12,17 | Oregon Convention Center | USA |
19 | III Company’s Operations | HML“ Think Before Plastic” Campaign | China | 12 | Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited | China |
20 | II Exhibition Operations | Ecodesign Program For Exhibition Stands | India | 8 | Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association | India |
21 | III Company’s Operations | Rooftop Communities | USA | 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,13,15,17 | Javits Center | New York, USA |
22 | III Company’s Operations | Helios Project | Spain | 7,9,11,12,13 | Valencia Conference Centre | Valencia, Spain |
23 | III Company’s Operations | Towards Carbon Neutrality! | Canada | 13,15,17 | Palais de congrès de Montréal | Montréal, Canada |
24 | III Company’s Operations | Organizing sustainable initiatives around the SDG’s of the United Nations | Canada | 12,13,17 | Palais de congrès de Montréal | Montréal, Canada |
25 | II Exhibition Operations | Campus IFEMA Thinkids | Spain | 4,8,10,17 | IFEMA | Madrid, Spain |
26 | II Exhibition Operations | Donation of surpluses from Fruit Attraction and Meat Attraction | Spain | 1,2,3,10,17 | IFEMA | Madrid, Spain |
27 | III Company’s Operations | Boxed Water | Spain | 12,13,15 | CCIB—Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona | Barcelona, Spain |
28 | III Company’s Operations | Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Reporting | Spain | 5,7,8,10,11,12,13,15,17 | CCIB—Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona | Barcelona, Spain |
29 | III Company’s Operations | Offset the Carbon Footprint | Spain | 11,13 | CCIB—Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona | Barcelona, Spain |
30 | I Exhibition Theme | People make Glasgow Healthier | Scotland | 3 | Glasgow Convention Bureau | Scotland, UK |
31 | II Exhibition Operations | MICE Sustainability Certification (MSC) | Singapore | 6,7,8,9,12,17 | Singapore Association of Convention and Exhibition Organizers and Suppliers (SACEOS) | Singapore |
32 | III Company’s Operation | Less to Landfill | Australia | 11,12,13 | Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre Australia | Australia |
33 | III Company’s Operation | Food for Good, Palacongressi di Rimini’s Social Commitment Italy | Italy | 1,2,3,10,11,12 | Palacongressi di Rimini | Italy |
34 | II Exhibition Operations | Vitality Program | The Netherlands | 3, 17 | World Forum The Hague | Hague, The Netherlands |
35 | I Exhibition Theme | greenmeetings & events conference 2019 (gme) | Germany | 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17 | European Association of Event Centres (EVVC), German Convention Bureau (GCB) | Frankfurt, Germany |
36 | III Company’s Operations | How to Introduce Sustainability Management and Make It Part and Parcel of Corporate Culture | Germany | 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 | The Leipzig Trade Fair Group (Leipziger Messe GmbH) | Leipzig, Germany |
37 | III Company’s Operations | Sustainable F&B Catering at Conferences, Meetings and Events | Germany | 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 | fairgourmet GmbH (a company of The Leipzig Trade Fair Group) | Leipzig, Germany |
38 | II Exhibition Operations | greenmeetings & events conference 2019: A Venue’s Observations on Operations | Germany | 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17 | The Leipzig Trade Fair Group (Leipziger Messe GmbH) | Leipzig, Germany |