JMIC Media Coverage
Some JMIC Media Coverage
Conference & Meetings World | How governments measure business events | July-Aug 2019
Exhibit City News | JMIC Events Case Study Offers 6 Golden Rules | 03.07.2019
Exhibit City News | Joachim König receives 2019 JMIC Unity Award | 11.06.2019
cim business events | Joachim König named winner of 2019 JMIC Unity Award | 29.05.2019
Eventos Latinoamericanos | Matthias Schultze recibe el primio de Profile & Power | Jan-Mar 2019
Factor Meetings | JMIC recibe al 2019 con nueva Presidencia, Constitución y membresía | 16.01.2019
cim business events | JMIC Welcomes new president as it expands its membership | 14.01.2019
ConventionSource | What’s in a name | 2019
cim business events | Business events meet politics | 21.09.2018
Meetings South Africa | Business events meet politics in a new global dynamic | July-Aug 2018
Eventos Latinoamericanos | Los eventos de negocios | Jan-March 2018
LA Latin America Meetings | Reuniones una fuerza para la recuperacion | Jan-Feb 2018
ConventionSource | Reality check: Some visitors are simply more valuable | 2018
Business Events World from The Iceberg | London Tech Week | 09.01.2018
Conexo | Una nueva dinamica global JMIC_Conexo 17.12_Una nueva dinamica global | Dec 2017
Latin America Meetings | Mas que la punta del Iceberg | Nov-Dec 2017
TTGmice | How much is it worth? | Sept 2017
Business Events World from The Iceberg | San Diego Convention Centre Case Story | 12.09.2017
CEI Asia | Business events meet politics in a new global dynamic | July/Aug 2017
CIM Germany | Meetings und ihr wert | May 2017
ConventionSource | Addressing terrorism requires commitment | 2017
TW | The real reason why these events take place | May 2017
Conference Matters | Meetings, conventions, exhibitions, a force for recovery | May 2017
Boardroom | The power of stories | May 2017
Conference & Meetings World | Business events meet politics in a new global dynamic | May 2017
Conexo | El sector, fuerza de recuperacion | May 2017
Eventos Latinoamericanos | Midiendo el valor de las reuniones | Apr-June 2017
Mix Magazine | Risky times | Apr-May 2017
Mix Magazine | Planners reprioritise safety | 03.04.2017
Conference & Meetings World | Can you feel the force? | April 2017
CEI Asia | A force for recovery? | March 2017
Boardroom | The legacy of meetings | March 2017
Eventos Latino Americanos | Joachim Koenig interview | Jan-Mar 2017
Arnaldo Nardone recibe el premio Power and Profile de JMIC
CIM | JMIC lanciert forschungsprojekt Feb 2017
Conference & Meetings World | Measuring value with new ‘triple bottom line’ | Jan 2017
Meetings South Africa | The Value of Meetings | Jan-Feb 2017
Conexo | Medición del valor de las reuniones | Jan 2017
CEI Asia | Measuring the real value of meetings | Jan-Dec 2017
meetme | Joint Approach | Oct-Nov 2016
CMW | Reaching out | Oct 2016
China International Conference&Exhibition Magazine | Interview with Joachim Koenig | Oct 2016
Eventos Latinoamericanos | Tomando posicion ante el terrorismo | July-Sept 2016
Exhibit City News | Interview with Joachim Koenig | Sept 2016
Masexpos | Tomar partido contra el terrorismo | July-Aug 2016
CMW | Taking a stand on terror | July 2016
CIM Germany | Taking a stand on terrorism | July 2016
CEI Asia | Continuing global engagement in the face of terror | June 2016
QM | JMIC op zoek naar eventcases | 13.06.2016
International Meetings Review | How JMIC’s Case Study Project Aims to Boost MICE Sector | Appeal 07.06.2016
Conexo | Contra el terrorismo | Jun 2016
Conexo | Los actos terroristas no tienen que afectar al Sector | Jun 2016
Masexpos | La Industria de Reunones unificada bajo una misma bandera | May-June 2016
HQ | The Meetings Industry states its position on terrorism incidents | 31.05.2016
ami | Terrorism is attacking all of us, declares JMIC president | 26.05.2016
CMW | JMIC issues industry advisory statement on reacting to terror threat | 26.05.2016
Exhibit City News | Taking a Stand on Terrorism | May 2016
TW | Meetings Industry States its Position on Terrorism Incidents | 26.05.2016
Eventos Latinoamericanos | New leadership, programming and Award winner | Jan-March 2016
ConventionSource 2016 | Documenting event outcomes – a new priority | Jan 2016