Economic Impact Studies
Principles for Measuring Economic Impact | May 2013
JMIC has commissioned an overview of best practices for the development and application of an Economic Impact model to the meetings industry. The principles as outlined in this document can be applied to facilities, destinations and events and have been incorporated into more than 15 such studies in recent years. As such they represent a good reference point for those developing or evaluating a methodology for their own use.
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The Value of Business Events to Australia by the Business Events Council of Australia (BECA)
The study highlights the importance of the business events industry to Australia, by estimating the economic contribution, value add and employment of the industry for the 2013-2014 financial year. It demonstrates that business events are a major economic driver for the Australian economy, but the current approach to valuing these benefits is focused on immediate tourism spending of delegates, event expenditure and venue utilisation. This focus on short term impacts masks the wider and more enduring benefits of business events associated with support for infrastructure development, business relationships, knowledge transfer and industry investment.
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Australia’s International Business Events Sector: The Economic and Strategic Value Proposition (Key Findings)
Deloitte Access Economics | 2014
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Business Events: Delivering Economic Prosperity for Australia, AACB | 2014
Published by: The Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB)
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The Economic Contribution of Meeting Activity in Denmark
Published by: VisitDenmark | May 2012
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The Economic Significance of Meetings in Mexico
Published by: Centro de Estudios Superiores en Turismo | September 2011
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2012 Economic Significance Study by the events industry council
The Economic Significance of Meetings to the U.S. Economy quantifies the economic contributions made by the more than 1.8 million meetings, trade shows, conventions, congresses, incentive events and other meetings that take place across the country. This study was conducted by PwC US was spearheaded by an alliance of CIC members representing the collective meetings, travel, exhibitions and events industries in the U.S.
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